All Concrete Blocks are manufactured conform to European Standard IS EN771-3: 2011+A1:2015

Block TypeHeight(mm)Lenght(mm)Width(mm)Strenght(N)Blocks in a bale
Standard 100mm2154401007.544
100mm Soapbar1004401007.588
150mm Soapbar1404401007.566
100mm Fine Texture2154401007.544
100mm 13N Solid2154401001344
100mm 18N Solid2154401001844
100mm 24N Solid2154401002444
300mm Cavity Closer3003501007.533
L Blocks215440 x 1751007.516
Stock Bricks100215657.5128
Standard 150mm2154401407.532
225mm Double Core Cavity2154402154.510
100mm Lightweight2154401007.572
150mm Lightweight2154401507.548
215mm Lightweight2154402157.532

CMC Ltd. have been producing a range of high quality concrete blocks for over 60 years. Our standard range of Blocks are made from blending GGBS Cement and Ordinary Portland Cement. The addition of GGBS reduces the carbon footprint of the block.(See Environmental Section for more details). Blocks consisting of 50% GGBS can be produced to order for those who wish to further reduce the carbon footprint of their home. 

The Standard range of blocks are made with a  compressive strength of not less than 7.5 Newtons. 13N and 18N High strength blocks are also available as well as Lightweight / Thermal and Cavity blocks also. All our blocks can be produced in both standard finish and fine textured finish. All Blocks can be delivered direct to your site by CMC Ltd. 

For Technical data including Declaration of Performance please view out Technical pages